Other Ways to Give

Mail Your Donation

To donate offline, mail a check or money order to:

CASA of Central Virginia
PO Box 11373
Lynchburg, VA 24506

Donor Advised Funds

Tax ID: 54-1695593
Use our Tax ID number to recommend a grant from your DAF, or use the DAF Direct tool below.

United Way of Central VA

CASA of Central Virginia is proud to be a partner agency of the United Way of Central Virginia.

Kroger Plus Card

Link your Kroger Plus card to CASA of Central Virginia and donate every time you shop. Visit the link above for step-by-step instructions on how to link your card.

Stock Donations

There may be tax benefits for you to donate stock to a nonprofit organization. Please email our staff if you are interested and we will email you the information that you need to make the transfer.

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Endowment Fund

Leave a legacy for generations of children to come with a gift to our endowment fund, managed by the Greater Lynchburg Community Foundation. Please email our staff if you have any questions.


Employer Matching

Have you checked with your employer about a Matching Gift Program? Many employers will match the gifts made by their employees to a charity - in effect doubling the gift.

Walmart Round-Up & Registry

When you order from Walmart.com or use the Walmart app to shop, you can choose to round-up to CASA of Central Virginia. You can also purchase items from our registry and have them shipped right to our office.

Amazon Wish List

Purchase an item on our Amazon Wish List and it will be shipped right to our office.