2024 Child Abuse Prevention Month
Making the children in our area safer by educating the public, strengthening community partnerships, and equipping the community for action.
CASA’s Virtual Pinwheel Garden
Make a donation to CASA during the month of April and your name will be listed under one of our pinwheels all year. You can also make your gift in honor of or in memory of a loved one. Red pinwheels indicate a monthly donor.

Blue Sunday is the last Sunday in April (April 28th this year), where faith communities commit to praying during the service for victims of child abuse and those who rescue them.

This coloring sheet provides information about identifying abuse and neglect in child appropriate language in a fun coloring sheet.
Report Suspected Child Abuse or Neglect
CASA of Central Virginia is not permitted by law to get involved in any case without court appointment by the judge on the case. If you suspect child abuse or neglect, you should report it immediately to your local Child Protective Services office. Reports may be anonymous at your request.
Virginia: 1-800-552-7096
Out-of-State: 804-786-8536

Follow us on Facebook for ideas, events, and inspiration for taking action to prevent child abuse.